The past the present and the future

The past the present and the future

In the beginning we had a a landscape filled with brilliant minds working to create a new nation which would rise above the countries of yesteryear. From the first voyagers landing on the shores of what was to become America they were dedicated to finding riches of gold and spices for their rulers.  The French, Spanish and English monarchy paid for the excursions across the ocean to find these items to enhance their wealth.  Little did they know or realize what the Captains of the expeditions would lead to. The travel led to the discovery of new Continents as well as riches.

Many who came after the discovery of the New World were determined not to be slaves to a tyrannical government being King, Queen or Communism. Those fleeing European nations wanted a simpler life free from interference. Free to prosper without high taxes imposed on them in the lands they fled. The families left everything behind but the few essentials needed to travel across the vast ocean in search of a new beginning, in a land they had never witnessed, only heard the stories of those who had travelled before them.

                 America’s beginning

Can you image the excitement, the fear, the anguish of the unknown as you’re travelling in the haul of a wooden ship with only darkness and blistering water surrounding you. Eating tidbits of rationed food each meal with hopes all will survive the ordeals presented with each passing day.

Unfortunately many adventurers did not survive the 3 month excursion. Disease became a problem as passengers developed fevers, scurvy as well as few losing their minds from the isolation created aboard those vessels in their cramped quarters only separated by sheets on most voyages.

Leif Erikson is believed to be the first European to step foot on the soils of America around the year 1000. He presumably missed his route to Greenland and ended up in a location he called Vinland, believed to be far north at or above the Canadian border.  This being four centuries before Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue in 1492 as his expedition landed in the Caribbean. His journey was paid for by the Queen Isabella of Spain to find a new route to China and India to bring back gold and spices.

Moving into Florida we have Ponce de Leon who landed in what is now Florida in 1512 placing the flag of Spain at the landing site as they searched for gold and other riches.  Fifty three years later a quaint city was settled in 1565 called St Augustine.  It is considered the oldest European continuously occupied settlement in our Nation.  As you travel the narrow streets in the original town there is a small wooden school house which is presumed to be the oldest surviving school house in the country. No records are available to give an exact date when the school house was actually built but it does appear on tax rolls as early as 1712. The folks who landed in St. Augustine were Spanish explores sent to reclaim the land for Spain as the French colonist were settling along the East Coast. Menéndez was tasked by the King Phillip II to remove the French completely from the territory.

The oldest masonry fort standing in America is in St. Augustine. The Castillo de San Marcos construction began in 1672 and  was completed in 1695. The fort is huge and was a vital part of the city remaining a Spanish settlement as the walls were impenetrable. Whether by land and the ocean no invasion ever breached the fort walls. The walls were made of shell stone, consisting of walls 30 feet high and 12 feet thick. The fort still stands today as a national monument for visitors to take in the history.

The Virginia Company of London was chartered in1606 to sail across the ocean and land in the New World. Once there the agreement was they would name the settlement after the King.  In 1607 Jamestown was established as the first permanent English settlement named after King James I as stipulated in the accord.  The ship landed with 104 migrants coming to America settling in the desolate land to build a new life. The work was hard and many settlers were lost to disease, famine and attacks by the Powhatan Indians.

Plymouth Rock made famous when the the religious persecuted shipmates landed in what is now called Plymouth Harbor Massachusetts on the Mayflower in 1620. On board were 102 settlers known as Pilgrims.  There are historians who write that the Pilgrims actually landed in Cape Cod and looked for a more suitable place to build their homestead. These new countrymen escaped the rule of dictators to be apart of a new experience in a new land.

As the new world starts growing and the settlers have freedoms they never obtained back in their mother country. England had troubles brewing in their land as wars broke out in the mid 1600’s to the early 1700’s.  After these wars the King feels the need to hold more power over the American Territory. The troop levels were increased as demands from the foreigner grew as well as having raised taxes to the dismay of the citizens of America.

The countrymen talk about breaking away from the tyrannical powers of the King.  In 1754 the French and Indian war breaks out leading the 1.5 million citizens in subvert discussions to develop individual colonies and govern themselves. Out of the deliberations came the 13 American Colonies.  Each individually created their own economies collaborating with one another instead of with the British as previously was done.

After years of disagreement the colonies banned together to push for total independence from Britain.  The American Revolution would begin as The Stamp Act and Townshend Acts leading to the 1770 Boston Massacre as citizens became provoked and unwilling to accept the King any longer. Following the massacre the Boston Tea Party of 1773 brought on the onslaught of dissent from the King as the First Continental Congress was created and sent message the Colonies would be boycotting any British goods attempting to be transported into America.

The British Army didn’t take long to start the American Revolutionary War as shots rang out in Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. “The shot heard around the world” could have came from either side as Paul Revere stated though he was there he did not know who fired first. In June Congress would enlist George Washington to lead the troops as they fought for independence.  In 1776 Congress passed the Declaration of Independence stating within they were no longer under British rule.  The committee instructed that Thomas Jefferson were to write the Declaration and Congress and Congress would proof it.  As the war rages on the colonies ban together to form their own militia with men and children from all of the 13 colonies, all eager to fight for their freedom which they so desperately wanted.

Thus began the hard work of creating a charter of the 13 colonies with a federal government overseeing the sovereignty of the lands.  James Madison would be in charge of writing the new Constitution of the United States of America.  In it he would enumerate the God given rights in the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, our Bill of Rights. The Founding Fathers as they are called meet over several months to detail the writings and was ratified on June 21st, 1788 as New Hampshire became the ninth colony to sign it. 

Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison also wrote the Federalist Papers in 1788 to inform the public of the Constitution and how it would be of value to the new nation. In all there were 85 articles explaining the need for a unified nation with boundaries created to keep honest men honest for the good of the country. They wanted to impart to the public that there was no room in the government for fraud wrought with power and greed. They stipulated if these elements overshadowed the citizen legislators the new country would be lost. 

Today we are at that plateau in time.  Our politicians are drunk with power. Whether it is a small local community or Congress or our Presidential office they have abused their public service requirements for that power and money.  President Wilson created the Federal Reserve as we know it today after several failed attempts previously to be America’s chartered central banking system. This was his defining moment in history as the world change on December 23, 1913 with one stroke of his pen.  Wilson was quoted as saying “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”  A decision he regretted up till his death.

We have 29 trillion dollar debt from those who took an oath to protect our nation. Spending money we don’t have and paying billions of dollars a day interest is not protecting our nation.  Our politicians give billions over seas to nations that hate what we stand for. Why, it appears it’s their way of getting rich off the blood soaked hands of the American worker. They don’t work off a balanced budget. Today we spend 1.4 trillion more dollars then revenue the federal government takes in. No nation can withstand the tremendous debt as ours.

We have individuals parading around as though they were elected to office or worse yet, they believe they are above the law and can mandate anything to the American people they want with out ramification.  They can burn down our cities, destroy our monuments, kill our law enforcement brothers and sisters with out being held accountable. We have sunk to the deepest depths of despair.  Our elections have been rigged to an extent no one ever thought was possible.  With the advent of electronic voting machines and the internet nothing is impossible for politicians to do. 

When will we find the heart to stop the spread of this corruption that is and has been eroding the quality of life for all Americans outside the establishment stronghold. When will the common man and woman stand up and fight back for our God given Rights to a life of prosperity and hope. When will we open our eyes to those who gain advantages in office while pretending to be working for the American Citizen.

As illegal aliens cross our borders unabated our public servants are handing them our hard earned dollars to buy them phones, give them medical, offer them housing and hope to make them citizens to continue to remain in power as they offer bribes for votes.  America is the last bastion of hope for all who wish a better life.  We offer Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness if you come legally there are no boundaries, yet. As a Republic we are free to work where we choose. We are free to go to any university we choose. We are free to make the money we choose.  We are free to express the thoughts we choose. Most importantly we are free to believe in a God if we choose.  Now we must choose, will we remain a free Republic or will we allow our elected public servants to destroy all that our Founding Fathers fought so hard for and turn America in to a progressive socialist communistic nation. \

It’s our choice.


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