The Will to Fight For What is Right

The Will to Fight For What is Right

The will to fight for what is right

Our Founding Fathers envisioned a Nation for all mankind to flourish with laws that limited the Federal Governments ability to supersede the states rights to govern.

As Hamilton, John Jay as the rest of our fellow patriots fought for a new nation they realized the battle would be long convincing the citizens America did not need a Oligarchy or King ruling over what they called America.

Many of the leaders of the day wrote the Federalist Papers to be released to the public for understanding of the Constitution and their inalienable rights. 

Hamilton wrote the first article in the Federalist Papers aimed at the People of the state of New York.  The article expressed that the Constitution will be a product for the people as a nation served by God.  He emphasized the federal government would not supersede the powers given to the individual states that were needed to sign onto this new Constitution Hamilton stated, “An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of government will be stigmatized as the offspring of a temper fond of despotic power and hostile to the principles of liberty.”

He expressed once those in power forget they are servants of the people and become blinded by the popularity the aftermath would be at the expense of the public good.

In the article Hamilton charged American’s would be in a better climate of opportunity where they to choose freedom over tyranny.   Today we are at the crossroads of our great nation.  We have an out of control federal government seeking to overtake all state rights which our Founding Fathers never envisioned for America. 


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