Arizona Audit News

Arizona Audit News

American Patriots have been waiting for a very long time to hear or see the results of the Arizona Audit.  Everyday on social media we hear it will be out next week, it will be out soon, don’t get discouraged the results will be astonishing.   Wendy Rogers, Arizona State Senator is in the news on a daily basis telling us to be ready when they finally release the data, it will blow your mind as to how deep the fraud in our election was. She has gone as far to say the Board Members should be held in solitary confinement as the acts against our country should be treasonous affairs.  “Should stolen elections be considered treason?” Rogers tweeted a few weeks back.

Elections Matter

As of this morning we still don’t have the results of the forensic audit. Many believe that the vote in Maricopa County was stole from President Trump. The auditors have completed their work and still we don’t have the final results in our hands.  What are they waiting for? Then next election to pass so they don’t have to worry about another Trump presidency!

“Should stolen elections be considered treason?”  Rogers tweeted a few weeks back.


estimates 126,686 voters will note be able to vote in the next election who voted in 2019 under the new Arizona Voting Law SB 1485. The organization believes the new law strips voting rights of the citizen living in the state of Arizona. They don’t need any outside auditors (Cyber Ninja) looking into voter fraud or election integrity. They also state that the team did not find any voter fraud so they have delay releasing that data. Their other argument is many of the State Republican Senators are against any audit as well which has been reported by many outlets previously.

Patriots are sure fraud took place. Many others say no fraud has been found. Who do we believe, those who did the voting or those who did the counting? We will find out very soon I’m told here at Patriot Express Radio.


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