Will We Ever Remove Our Masks Again!

Will We Ever Remove Our Masks Again!

We see rallies across the nation as individuals are protesting the government mask mandates.  The citizens are small groups at local government offices expressing their concerns.  Those protesting are concerned with their children being masked up 6 hours a day in the schools. Concerned with our government overstepping their constitutional authority they state.  Concerned that we are being forced to mask and vaccinate but all those at our borders are given special privilege’s.

                    We Will Wear Them

Fauci wants masks and additional shots to fight the CoVid 19 and the other variants that he states is or will come out in the future if we don’t all vaccinate.  Biden has stated we will remain masked until we get more of the populous vaccinated.  Where are we going with all this, why are we going with all this?  We have been losing our rights protesters are screaming to anyone who will listen..

Doctors tell us the vaccine is safe throughout this country.  Doctors also are telling us this vaccine is a killer and you shouldn’t take it.  Who do we listen to? Who is tell the truth and who is putting personal agenda before us. Seems everything we do today is based in politics. You have to agree with those who say the vaccine is safe or you’re a racists or a bigot or any of the other names they call you.

Will we ever remove our masks again! I sure hope so, personally I’m tired of the political war within our nation.  We need to be reminded our Constitution lasted over 245 years, longer then any other nations Constitution every lasted by far.  We have a great nation because we are a free country with freedoms no government can take away.


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