Patriot Express


Washington DC

Congress is against America really

It’s true, Congress is against America. If they believed in the vows they take when sworn into office we would not have Sanctuary ‘Cities, open borders, taxation without representation. foreign aid, homeless veterans, battered women and children, the list is long.         We get the crumbs[

Instead Congress gives us 29,000,000,000,000.00 dlollars of unsustainable debt.  Adding more then a trillion a year to the deficit with no end in sight. In the end we struggle to pay our taxes so congress can spend it on their pet projects giving hundreds of millions to illegal immigrants, foreign entities while we get the crumbs of our labor.

1776 came about as the voice of the majority.  Those who wanted a new government that worked for the people not against them. They had a KIng who gave them taxation without representation. They had no means to improve their opportunities with British royalty taking every red cent they could from the colonies.

Our nation now hinges on the precipice before us. A congress filled with socialistic tendencies. Attempting to change the way America lives and breaths as they push their agenda towards communism. 

Our Republic has endure over 240 years of constant barrages against our freedoms enumerated in our Bill of Rights and our Constitution. 

Can we survive this onslaught!



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