On the Hill in the Senate Today CoVid19 Vaccinations

On the Hill in the Senate Today CoVid19 Vaccinations

As I type this report the Senate is discussing the CoVid Vaccination as well as the booster shots.  The Federal Government wants to have a identification card to show vaccinations  to travel, shop or receive their paychecks after working. Those who claim to be Republicans are on the floor speaking against such laws or regulations that they deem unconstitutional. Mike Lee the Senator from Utah stated biden is  “under Article 1 Section 7 makes very clear, if you’re going to change the legal status quo, if you’re going to establish policy at the Federal level but will carry the force of generally applicable federal law you’ve gotta to be acting within one of congresses enumerated powers but more importantly here …….we have no federal law as a result of that”. 

Vaccine passports will be an infringement on all American God given rights that our Constitution and those Bill of Rights our Founding Fathers so eloquently wrote to be the first and only nation that was written to be a Republic, a free nation unlike every other nation in the world which was a dictatorship or oligarchy.

                         On the Floor Today

Sen, Maria Cantwell (D)Washington, on the floor objects to this bill as they fight this pandemic.  Saying the president is not after every person being mandated a vaccine only critical workers.  The senator stated “the point is here we are not trying to mandate this,” she went on to discuss the fact that if the businesses decide to mandate vaccines they have that ability to do so.

The critical moments expressed in her remarks were cruise ships, medical, retailers and trucking businesses. The president doesn’t have to mandate every individual but can mandate those out on the front lines.  

Sen. Ron Johnson (R) Wisconsin  made the case that we are  not under the influence of the federal government, all that Biden is attempting to do with his mandates and booster shots are the not in his purview as president. What he is attempting to accomplish in the federal government is actually only within the power of the states.  

The president in his remarks on September 9th concerning Covid 19 he made clear he wants everyone vaccinated as well as booster shots in the future.  As for the governors who are against any mandates he threated to replace them. For passengers on the planes who refuse to wear a mask he threatens to make them pay, as he stated  “Today — tonight, I’m announcing that the Transportation Safety Administration — the TSA — will double the fines on travelers that refuse to mask.  If you break the rules, be prepared to pay. ”  

Biden also stated “The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, are overrunning the emergency rooms and intensive care units,’  leaving no rooms for those with serious conditions as heart failure or other illnesses that could cause death if untreated. We hear from both sides how the stories are conflated. Those in favor of the vaccine state the hospitals are over run with non vaccinated patients up to 65% in some area’s.  Those who are against the vaccine state that less then 40% of the rooms are taken by unvaccinated patients.  

I happened to be in our emergency room  a few weeks ago due to an incident that my doctor told me to go. I got there at 6 in the morning with no one in the waiting area, no one in the triage area and all the beds on the emergency floor were empty but 2 (they have 18 if I counted correctly). I asked if this was normal for their mornings and the response was  “yes we are not to busy till after 9am  usually”.  See video here

Will there be mandated vaccine passports to travel about, to get paid for work performed or will be be free to roam as we were over 14 months ago. Pandemic or not  we as a nation have never been put to the test like this in our history. Where do we go from here!


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