What really happens in DC

What really happens in DC

We know from past history what really happens in DC behind closed doors. We know for the past 50 years our public servants have sold out the nation to foreign entities to line their pockets against the wishes of the American Citizen.  We see our Congress making millions with backroom deals, insider trading as well as committing acts of bribery against us for their continued power and money as they roam the Halls of Congress as we the 95% ers struggle to pay for essential needs.  

We really know what happens in DC, nothing unless you figure committee meetings and hearings to be essential to our everyday needs. I think not, these politicians as well as the ones from the past 60 years have been lining their pockets with our hard earned tax dollars.  They claim to be doing what’s right for America but have sold us out to foreign entities all for the love of money and power.  They go to grand dinners and drink fine wine as they decide how to steal your tax dollars to benefit anyone they deem worthy.  Those public servants work to become rich by working with lobbyists to create laws that they profit off of. They make millions off insider trading which is illegal for the average citizen but not the politician.  They take bribes or offer bribes for votes with free food, free health care, free phones, free rent, free gas and free social security  once they come across the borders. Unfortunately they don’t understand nothing is free, someone has to pay for it through work, sometimes hard work.  

We really know what happens in DC, nothing unless you figure committee meetings and hearings to be essential to our everyday needs.”

Now we ask “how do we take our country back from those in power who hate what America Stands For. Our Constitution is under attack on a daily basis. Our Bill of Rights are being trampled on by those who believe they know better then we do. They are the cancer that will destroy our nation from within as stated by our Founding Fathers as they worked to create a better World for those who would fight for it. The great patriot Benjamin Franklin proposed to all who would listen, “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”

Will we be able to remain the United States Of America as a free and prosperous nation? You decide, it’s in your hands now.


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